SEO for Dentists

You might have seen the same dentist for years – maybe even a trusted family dentist. However, the process looks slightly different for those needing a new professional.

These days, around 77% of patients start their search for healthcare services online rather than through word of mouth. So, whether you’re a solo practitioner or managing a larger practice, showing up high in Google search results is crucial for attracting new patients.

But what sets SEO for dentists apart? And how can you, as a dentist or SEO agency owner, strengthen your (or your clients’) online presence to stay competitive?

This guide will walk you through essential SEO strategies specific to the dental industry while covering tactics other dental practitioners often overlook. 

Let’s dive in! 

Before We Begin: Change Your Mindset Around "Ranking Higher" 

People often say SEO is about ranking your website higher in the SERPs. For dentists, that means showing up when someone searches for “dentist near me” or “teeth whitening in (city).” 

But why is this so important? 

Higher rankings mean more visibility, which leads to more clicks – and, ultimately, more patients booking appointments. That said, ranking high shouldn’t be the end goal but just one step in growing your practice.

YMYL (Your Money or Your Life)

Dentists fall into the YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) category, meaning Google holds your site to high standards due to the potential impact on people’s health and well-being. It’s called “Your Money or Your Life” because the content in this category can directly affect a person’s quality of life, whether it’s their health, finances, or even legal matters. And that's awesome – if your SEO is up to speed.

Other YMYL categories include health and medical sites (beyond just dentistry), financial advice, and legal information. Because Google is more careful with YMYL sites, dentists need to make sure their content is accurate, authoritative, and trustworthy. In other words, SEO for dentists demands more attention to detail. That means optimizing for search engines and building credibility with high-quality, reliable content.

Common SEO Strategies for Dentists

First, let’s cover the foundational SEO strategies every dental website should focus on.

Keyword Research

When patients search for a dentist, they’re likely using specific terms like “teeth cleaning in (state or city),” “Invisalign dentist,” or even “emergency dentist near me.” Finding the right keywords is crucial to tapping into these searches.

Here are a couple of tips that can help you start brainstorming for your keyword research:


Since most dental patients are local, your keywords should reflect location-based searches (e.g., “dentist in San Francisco”). Remember: patients want convenience. They’re not driving hours for a routine cleaning as they want someone nearby. Google also knows this and prioritizes local businesses in search results, especially when users search for services “near me.” 

Note that even if you don't always optimize your keywords with the location, Google still has your back by delivering your business to local searchers. If Google can confidently pinpoint where you’re based, you’ll have a better chance of showing up in those “near me” searches, driving more foot traffic to your practice without users even specifying where they are. 

Service-Specific Keywords

Focus on long-tail keywords like “cosmetic dentist near me” or “dental implants specialist.” This helps you attract patients searching for specific services. The more precise the search term, the more likely it is to bring in a qualified lead looking for exactly what you offer.

Golden Tip: Reverse-Engineer Searches

The best way to capitalize on the right keywords is to focus on searches that 1) are already bringing in clients and 2) those your competitors are slacking on. Here's how:

  • Keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Semrush, or Ahrefs can help identify high-volume search terms relevant to your practice. By plugging in broad terms like “dentist,” you can see what specific variations (like “dentist near me” or “affordable dentist”) get the most traction.

That works best if you're looking for brand-new terms to target. But here's what'll set you apart:

Use SiteGuru to understand the top 3 and 10 keywords your pages are already ranking for so you can supercharge your content with your best (and related) terms. To access your keyword report, go to Insights > Keywords.

keywords report in SiteGuru

  • Don't forget your competitor analysis: Use tools like Semrush or SpyFu to check out what keywords your competitors are ranking for. This will help you reverse-engineer what’s working in your local area and adjust your strategy based on that.

Local SEO

Local SEO is key to a successful dental practice’s online presence because it helps ensure your practice is visible to patients in your immediate area. When someone searches for dental services nearby, local SEO optimizes your chances of appearing in those crucial local search results and on Google Maps. This is essential since most patients seek a dentist near their home or work.

Include your address, hours, services, and, most importantly, patient reviews. Positive reviews improve your credibility and influence your ranking in local search results.

Important tip: verify that your NAP (Name, Address, Phone) information is uniform and identical across all online platforms, whether your website, Google Business Profile, or third-party directories. When Google sees that your details match across multiple sources, it boosts your credibility and improves your local search rankings.  

examples of local SEO done right

In addition, include high-quality photos of your practice to your GMB profile so patients know what to expect. Also, highlight special services like cosmetic dentistry or emergency care. This helps attract patients specifically looking for those services and sets you apart from other local practices.

On-Page SEO

Optimizing each page of your site is essential for SEO success because on-page SEO directly affects how search engines understand and rank your content. With that in mind, ensure your headings, meta descriptions, alt text, and URLs contain your target keywords. We don't mean you should stuff in keywords, but you should ensure they’re optimized for character count and relevance.

On-page SEO that checks all boxes

Notice how, in the above example, the keyword "Midtown Dental Care Associates" appears prominently in all of the above-mentioned elements while making sense (not sounding stuffy) across the board.

Keeping track of your on-page SEO can quickly become a headache without the right tools. With SiteGuru, you can figure out which elements need tweaking without having to slog through each page manually. Plus, these tools can generate SEO-optimized text for you, so you’re not burning out on writing for every little element.

To view the performance of your page titles, go to Content > Page titles

Page title report in SiteGuru

To view your alt texts, go to Content > Image alt texts

Alt text report in SiteGuru

To view your meta descriptions, go to Content > Meta descriptions

Missing meta descriptions report in SiteGuru

Mobile Optimization

More than half of mobile searches are made on mobile devices and tablets. So, a mobile-friendly website is essential for user experience and SEO. Google uses mobile-first indexing, which means it primarily uses the mobile version of your site for ranking and indexing. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you’re telling Google to look elsewhere.

Page load speed is also critical, especially for mobile users. Ideally, your page should load in under 3 seconds. Any longer, and you risk losing visitors. If you're using SiteGuru, you can see which pages have excellent page speed and Web Vitals score at Technical > Pagespeed. 

But don’t stop there! Ensure your site is responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and orientations. Also, ensure that all your buttons and links are easy to click on mobile devices and that text is readable without zooming in.

SEO Content Strategy for Dentists

For dentists, valuable content could include:

Writing comprehensive content on topics like “How to Prevent Cavities” or “What to Expect During a Root Canal," depending on what your practice offers. This positions your practice as an expert and targets keywords patients might be searching for.

Addressing common patient concerns, such as “Is Invisalign Painful?” or “How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?” in FAQ sections on your service pages.

But before you start brainstorming content ideas that may or may not get read, take a step back and reverse-engineer the keywords already working for you. 

For example, if “teeth whitening” is attracting visitors, consider writing a detailed guide on the different types of whitening treatments or comparing at-home vs. professional whitening. 

Create Content Clusters

Content clusters are another effective strategy to establish topical authority. Start with an overarching pillar post on a broad topic, such as “Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health.” Then, create cluster posts that dive into specific subtopics like “Best Practices for Daily Dental Hygiene” or “Understanding Different Types of Dental Procedures.” This approach helps Google understand the context and relevance of your content, boosting your chances of ranking higher.

Also, use tools like SiteGuru to track your content’s performance. It can show you which pieces perform well and which need more love. Optimize high-performing content to keep it relevant and tweak or refresh underperforming posts. 

Go to the Insights tab to view your top content and content that needs attention. 

Focus on Establishing E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Building on this foundation of high-quality content is crucial to establishing E-E-A-T, which will improve your online presence and build trust with Google and prospective patients.

Here are a few straightforward ways to do it:

  • Make sure your qualifications, certifications, and specializations are clearly visible on your website. This will not only inform patients of your expertise but also signal to Google that your practice is credible.
  • Include detailed bios for dentists and staff, highlighting qualifications and experience. Provide comprehensive bios for everyone in your practice. This should include education, professional achievements, and areas of expertise.  
  • Showcase positive patient reviews and testimonials on your website. Make sure to include specific details in the testimonials that reflect your practice's quality of care and results.

SEO Tactics Competitors Often Overlook

While many practices cover the basics of dental SEO, they often need more advanced or specialized tactics. Here’s what you should focus on to gain an edge.

Core Web Vitals

Google’s emphasis on Core Web Vitals – specifically Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – has a direct impact on rankings. These are metrics that measure the user experience of a website, focusing on loading performance (LCP), interactivity (FID), and visual stability (CLS). They matter because Google uses them to gauge how well your site provides a good user experience, which directly affects your SEO rankings.

Here are a few quick-hit tips on how dentists can enhance their Core Web Vitals:

Optimize Images and Videos for Faster Loading Times

  • Compress images. Use tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce file sizes without sacrificing quality.
  • Use next-gen formats. Convert images to modern formats like WebP, which offer superior compression.
  • Implement lazy loading, Load images and videos only when needed (as users scroll) to improve initial load times.

Verify That There’s Minimal Layout Shift When Pages Load

Layout shift refers to unexpected movements of content as the page loads. This can frustrate users if they’re trying to interact with elements that shift around. 

To minimize layout shifts:

  • Reserve space for images and ads. Use CSS to set dimensions for images and ads so they don’t push content around as they load.
  • Avoid dynamically injected content. Minimize content changes that happen after the page starts loading. Ensure elements like fonts and scripts are properly loaded and don’t affect layout stability.

Authority Building via Backlinks

Getting backlinks from well-known health websites or local news outlets adds authority to your dental practice’s site. Search engines view these backlinks as a thumbs-up, indicating that your content is valuable and trustworthy. This can significantly improve your SEO ranking because it helps establish your site as a reliable source of information in the dental field.

Here are a few ideas for backlinks:

  • Collaborate with local health blogs to write guest posts or participate in interviews. Reach out to local health-focused blogs and propose writing a guest post on a topic relevant to their audience. Alternatively, offer to provide expert commentary or insights in interviews. 
  • Partner with local businesses for cross-promotion. Approach a local gym or health food store and suggest a cross-promotion partnership. You could offer their members free dental check-ups or discounted services while they mention your practice in their newsletters or websites. 

Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is on the rise, especially for local businesses. In fact, according to Google, 20% of mobile searches are now done by voice, thanks to Alexa and Siri. People often use voice search for local services with queries like “Where’s the nearest dentist?” or “What’s the best teeth whitening near me?”

Here’s how to make sure your practice doesn’t miss out on this growing traffic:

  • Focus on natural language and conversational keywords: Voice searches tend to be more conversational and longer than text-based queries, so your queries should align with how people speak. For example, optimize for phrases like “affordable family dentist in (your city)” or “best dentist for children near me.” 
  • Remember when we mentioned FAQ pages? They're powerful here, too. This page should address questions people might ask verbally, such as “How do I find a dentist who accepts my insurance?” or “What are the benefits of teeth whitening?” Use straightforward language and direct answers.

Schema Markup for Dentists

Many dental SEO practitioners mention schema markup (a code in structured data) but often gloss over the specifics. For dentists, using schema markup such as Dentist schema and LocalBusiness schema is crucial.

While Dentist Schema helps Google understand that your site is related to a dental practice, LocalBusiness Schema provides details about your business, such as address, phone number, and operating hours.

Generating your Schema Markup is fairly easy. You can use tools like’s Markup Generator or Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to help you create the necessary code without manually writing it.

Once you’ve generated your schema markup, you’ll need to embed it into your website's HTML. This is usually done within the <head> section or directly in the relevant content area of your site. If you're using WordPress, you can add schemas using plugins like Schema Pro.

After adding schema markup, it's important to test it to ensure it’s implemented correctly. You can use Google’s Rich Results Test to check if your schema works as intended.

In addition, SiteGuru allows you to view which of your pages has (or doesn't have) structured data and specifies which type of schema markup it contains.

Structured data report in SiteGuru

Technical SEO for Dental Websites

Technical SEO might not seem glamorous, but it’s essential for ranking well and ensuring a smooth user experience. Here's a quick checklist:

Ensure your site is secure with HTTPS, as Google favors secure sites.

Fix broken links and crawl errors. They're roadblocks for search engine bots (like Google's crawler) trying to explore your website. These errors stop bots from reaching certain pages, damaging your site's visibility. Common types are "404 Not Found" (when a page is missing) or "403 Forbidden" (when access is blocked).

In SiteGuru, you can see which of your pages have indexability issues by going to Technical > Indexation...

Indexation report in SiteGuru

…as well as which pages may have broken links on the Links tab

Broken links report in SiteGuru

Make sure your XML sitemap is updated and submitted to Google. It’s a file that lists all the important pages on your website, helping search engines understand what’s on your site and how to find it. If you’ve just launched new pages or updated old ones, a sitemap helps search engines discover these changes faster.

If you go to Technical > Sitemaps in SiteGuru, you'll see which sitemaps have been submitted and have the option to add them to Google Search Console straight from the app. 

A Friendly Reminder that Content Goes Beyond Blog Posts

Though blog posts are great, dentists can get creative with other content types. For example, social media or YouTube video content can also be SEO-friendly. Here’s how:

  • Use relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions, just like you would in blog posts. Plus, in your video description or at the end of your videos, you can include calls to action with a link to your website. This drives traffic to your site and can improve your overall SEO.
  • Add captions and tags with important keywords related to dental care. This helps search engines and platforms like YouTube categorize and rank your content.
  • Remember to reply to comments and interact with viewers. Engagement can also make your content more visible in the SERPS and broaden your reach. 

Use SEO to Build Trust with Potential Patients. Then Rank Higher. 

Following the strategies outlined in this guide can improve your dental practice’s visibility, attract more patients, and stay competitive in the long run.

Remember, SEO won't pay off tomorrow or the day after that. You need to audit your website’s performance, adjust strategies as needed, and stay up to date with the latest SEO trends. A consistent and well-rounded approach is the only way to maintain steady growth online. 

SiteGuru simplifies the complexity of SEO. It combines audits, Google Analytics, and Search Console data to give clear, actionable insights. No more getting lost in overwhelming SEO tools – just straightforward, step-by-step guidance to boost your rankings.