Non-branded & Branded Traffic | SiteGuru

You're only 1 minute away from your free non-branded search report

Getting non-branded searches from Search Console is complex.
This free report gives you the details in just 1 minute.

Get your free report below 👇

Connect to Search Console

No SiteGuru account needed - 100% free

Here's what your FREE report will look like!

We'll create one based on your data. This is what the non-branded report looks like

sample report

How does it work?

  1. Connect Google Search Console
  2. Add your brand name to distinguish between branded and non-branded keywords
  3. That's it! You'll get your full non-branded keyword report!

Create non-branded report


  • We only have read-only access
  • We don't store your data
  • We don't get your email address