New: the Low-Hanging Fruit report | SiteGuru

New: the Low-Hanging Fruit report

Looking for quick SEO wins? Of course you are! The newest report in SiteGuru Insights helps you do just that. 

What is the low-hanging fruit report?

The new Low-hanging fruit report shows you pages ranking on page 1 or 2 in Google, but not in the top 3. With some SEO magic, you might be able to boost the rankings for those pages and get a lot of extra traffic for relevant keywords.

How can I improve the rankings?

That's where our on-page analysis comes in. We check the page performance against the keyword:

  • Is the keyword in the title tag?
  • Is the keyword in the meta description?
  • Is the keyword in the H1?
  • Is the keyword in the URL?
  • Does the page have enough internal links to it?

Each of these checks is on the checklist, and together they make up a score for that page, for that given keyword. Here's what that looks like:

The new low-hanging fruit report

By clicking on the Checklist, you'll see exactly what you can do to improve the rankings for that keyword:

Low-hanging fruit tasklist

How does it work?

We're taking your rankings and keywords from Google Search Console, and find the pages that rank for a keyword on position 4 to 20. We estimate the total organic potential of those keywords, and use the data from our on-page audits to give you a checklist.

What if a keyword isn't relevant to me?

You might rank for keywords that aren't relevant to your business. Just click the ignore link, and you'll no longer see them in the low-hanging fruit report.