We analyzed 242.000 pages across 1200 websites for Structured Data. Here's what we found.
Structured Data is a superpower for SEOs: it increases your visibility in the SERPs and Featured Snippets, and it makes it easier for Google to understand what your page is about.
At SiteGuru, we analyze over 242.000 web pages across 1200 sites every week. We recently introduced the Structured Data Analysis in the checks we run on a page. We got curious and wondered how this is used on different websites. So we ran a bunch of queries on our database, finding over 277.000 pieces of Structured Data:
62% of the sites use some form of structured data. That means 38% don't have any structured data on it.
Zooming in on page level, we see that only 15% of pages have some sort of Structured Data on them. On average, a page has 6.3 types of Structured Data. We even found pages with over 320 items on a single page.
The most popular types of Structured Data
There are many types of Structured Data, and we see a large variety in usage on the sites we checked. Here is the top 10 of Structured Data types we found across sites:
More than 300 sites, so over 25% of all sites, have some sort of Organization listed in their Structured Data. This popularity is understandable, given Google's guidelines on Structured Data and visibility in the Knowledge Panel.
The WPHeader and WPFooter are Wordpress-specific data types that provide little value from an SEO-perspective. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that they're included in many Wordpress themes and can be added without knowing the site's content.
Not in our top 10, but still very popular are some more relevant types of Structured Data:
- LocalBusiness (95 sites)
- Product and Offer (90 sites)
- Review (26 sites)
- Rating (25 sites)
All these types have proven their value for SEO but may not be relevant to every website. We see these types often on e-commerce websites, helping boost the visibility of their products in Google.
Going further down the list, some specific types of Structured Data stand out:
- SoftwareApplication (2 sites): especially valuable for SaaS products, including pricing details
- JobPosting (2 sites): gaining popularity with the roll-out of Google jobs
As well as some super-specific types. What to think of:
- HousePainter
- HomeAndConstructionBusiness
- SurgicalOperation
- AnimalShelter
All Structured Data types we found
Structured Data Type | # of sites |
Organization | 314 |
WebSite | 271 |
WebPage | 191 |
BreadcrumbList | 189 |
SiteNavigationElement | 157 |
WPHeader | 140 |
Person | 133 |
Blog | 129 |
WPFooter | 126 |
BlogPosting | 126 |
Article | 118 |
LocalBusiness | 95 |
CreativeWork | 94 |
Product | 90 |
ImageObject | 88 |
WPSideBar | 82 |
ListItem | 75 |
PostalAddress | 55 |
AggregateRating | 41 |
Offer | 37 |
Service | 32 |
CollectionPage | 30 |
Review | 26 |
Rating | 25 |
FAQPage | 21 |
VideoObject | 18 |
ProfessionalService | 18 |
Thing | 17 |
Breadcrumb | 17 |
NewsArticle | 16 |
ImageGallery | 15 |
InteractionCounter | 14 |
Brand | 11 |
ProfilePage | 10 |
Question | 9 |
ItemList | 9 |
Answer | 9 |
Table | 8 |
GeoCoordinates | 8 |
Event | 8 |
Corporation | 8 |
State | 7 |
ServiceChannel | 7 |
Place | 6 |
mainEntityOfPage | 6 |
dateModified | 6 |
AboutPage | 6 |
WPAdBlock | 5 |
WebPageElement | 5 |
UserComments | 5 |
ContactPage | 5 |
SomeProducts | 4 |
SearchAction | 4 |
Physician | 4 |
MedicalBusiness | 4 |
Course | 4 |
Comment | 4 |
TravelAgency | 3 |
Store | 3 |
RealEstateAgent | 3 |
NewsMediaOrganization | 3 |
MedicalOrganization | 3 |
MedicalCondition | 3 |
FinancialService | 3 |
AutoRepair | 3 |
WebApplication | 2 |
SoftwareApplication | 2 |
SiteNavigationElement/Pagination | 2 |
SelfStorage | 2 |
Recipe | 2 |
OfferItemCondition | 2 |
NGO | 2 |
MenuSection | 2 |
MenuItem | 2 |
Menu | 2 |
MediaObject | 2 |
JobPosting | 2 |
ItemAvailability | 2 |
ApartmentComplex | 2 |
Hotel | 2 |
HomeAndConstructionBusiness | 2 |
GovernmentOrganization | 2 |
EducationalOrganization | 2 |
Collection | 2 |
ClothingStore | 2 |
AutoDealer | 2 |
ApartmentComplex | 2 |
WholesaleStore | 1 |
TouristAttraction | 1 |
TechArticle | 1 |
Surgicalprocedure | 1 |
SocialMediaPosting | 1 |
ShoppingCenter | 1 |
ScholarlyArticle | 1 |
Restaurant | 1 |
QuantitativeValue | 1 |
Professional Services | 1 |
PriceSpecification | 1 |
Plumber | 1 |
ParcelDelivery | 1 |
NutritionInformation | 1 |
Museum | 1 |
MedicalProcedure | 1 |
MedicalClinic | 1 |
Mass | 1 |
LodgingBusiness | 1 |
LocationFeatureSpecification | 1 |
LegalService | 1 |
ItemCondition | 1 |
InternetCafe | 1 |
InsuranceAgency | 1 |
HVACBusiness | 1 |
Babysitting | 1 |
UnitPriceSpecific | 1 |
HowTo | 1 |
HousePainter | 1 |
House | 1 |
Healthcare IT Consultant | 1 |
HealthandBeautyBusiness | 1 |
GeneralContractor | 1 |
FurnitureStore | 1 |
EntertainmentBusiness | 1 |
ElectronicsStore | 1 |
DeliveryChargeSpecification | 1 |
Date | 1 |
Dataset | 1 |
DataDownload | 1 |
Country | 1 |
ContactPoint | 1 |
ComputerStore | 1 |
CollegeOrUniversity | 1 |
Church | 1 |
BlogPost | 1 |
BikeStore | 1 |
BedAndBreakfast | 1 |
AutoPartsStore | 1 |
AudioObject | 1 |
Attorney | 1 |
Aquarium | 1 |
AnimalShelter | 1 |
Address | 1 |
Need more inspiration to find a specific type? Schema.org has a full list of supported types. Please keep in mind that not all of these are relevant for SEO. Read more about Structured Data in our SEO Academy.
Looking to get more featured snippets for your site? Rob Powell wrote a great post about getting more featured snippets.